First Meeting of Countywide Teachers’ Network

On 27th June, the Chair of the Suffolk Archives Foundation joined the Record Office’s Community and Learning Officers (Mandy and Hannah) to talk to KS3 History Teachers about the immense opportunities The Hold and Suffolk Record Office has to offer students in supporting their learning.

Over the coming months, Mandy and Hannah will be developing teaching resources, visit plans and experiences for teachers and students; we hope teachers will continue to support this work with valued input, review and assessment and participate in what is to become our countywide Teachers’ Network.

We want to ensure that the schools programme for the whole county supports education and curriculum needs, providing children and young people with relevant and creative cultural experiences on varying levels: visits, digital, physical resources and in their community.

In order to keep teachers aware of developments and initiate the Teachers’ Network, Mandy and Hannah will be launching a termly Teachers’ newsletter in the autumn. The Record Office will also host teachers’ networking events which will allow them to learn about opportunities at The Hold and the Record Office’s other branches, and to meet other liked-minded teachers.

If you are a teacher and would like to get in touch with Mandy or Hannah for more information, please email

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